
Mind Body Spirit

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Mindfulness for Children: Simple Activities for Parents and Children to Create Greater Focus, Resilience, and Joy

Rudell Beach, Sarah
Simple and fun mindfulness activities to do with children up to age 11 to build beneficial life-long skills that promote resilience, joy, focus, and calm, and improve overall wellbeing.

The Four Agreements : A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

Ruiz, Don Miguel, Jr.

How to Be Hopeful: Your Toolkit to Rediscover Hope and Help Create a Kinder World

Russell, Bernadette
How do we find hope? And how do we hold onto it? This kind and compassionate book leads the way.

How To Be Sad: Everything I’ve Learned About Getting Happier, By Being Sad, Better

Russell, Helen
We're trying so hard to be happy. But studies show that we could all benefit from learning the art of sadness and how to handle it, well.

Promised by Heaven

Ruzic, Ivana
Promised by Heaven is a story of love, loss and healing – a spiritual adventure that questions everything we understand to be true. From commencing with the dead, predicting global events, and seeing spirits, the book is an unforgettable account of one woman’s path to her true calling.

It's Probably Your Hormones: From Appetite to Sleep, Periods to Sex Drive, Balance Your Hormones to Unlock Better Health

Ryan, Mary
In this expert guide, endocrinologist Dr Mary Ryan tackles the hormone issues that lie at the root of many female health problems including weight gain, low libido and insomnia.

Of Human Being: An A to Z of the Power and Art of Human Being

Ryan, Orla
Of Human Being is a unique guide to how we can all use our power better in the art of living. The book encompasses many ideas and practical ways to maintain good mental health, emotional well-being and how to find meaning and purpose in life.

Spirit Speaker: A Medium's Guide to Death and Dying

In this compassionate and straightforward guide to the spiritual process of dying and what happens after death, psychic medium Salicrow answers the most common questions asked by her clients over her decades of work as a spirit speaker.

Ten Eternal Questions

Sallis, Zoe
From Nelson Mandela to Bob Geldof - inspiring answers on life's most important questions.

Highly Sensitive People in an Insensitive World: How to Create a Happy Life

Sand, Ilse
What does it mean to be a highly sensitive person? How is it different from introversion, or shyness? And what unique advantages does high sensitivity have to offer? Ilse Sand answers all these questions and encourages other highly sensitive people to ride out the lows and embrace the creativity and highs of being highly sensitive.