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The Theatrical Notebooks of Samuel Beckett: Krapp's Last Tape

Beckett, Samuel
Samuel Beckett directed Krapp's Last Tape on four separate occasions: this volume offers a facsimile of his 1969 Schiller-Theater notebook. Professor Knowlson writes that in these notes 'we see Beckett simplifying, shaping and refining, as he works towards a realization of the play that will function well dramatically.

The Theatrical Notebooks of Samuel Beckett: The Shorter Plays

Beckett, Samuel
This volume completes the publication of this series of notebooks, the plays in question being Play, Come and Go, Eh Joe, Footfalls, That Time and What Where.

Waiting for Godot: A Tragicomedy in Two Acts

Beckett, Samuel
Famously described by the Irish critic Vivien Mercier as a play in which 'nothing happens, twice', "En attendant Godot" was first performed at the Theatre de Babylone in Paris in 1953. It was translated into English by Samuel Beckett, and opened at the Arts Theatre in London in 1955.

Waiting For Godot

Beckett, Samuel
'Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it's awful.' This line was adopted by Jean Anouilh, to characterize the first production of "Waiting For Godot" at the Theatre de Babylone, in 1953. Anybody acquinted with Beckett's masterly black comedy would not question the recognition of this twentieth-century literature classic.

collected poems of samuel beckett

Beckett, Samuel

Rockaby And Other Short Pieces

Beckett, Samuel
We find in Beckett's masterful, exquisite prose, the familiar themes from his earlier works here expressed in the anguished murmurings of the solitary human consciousness.

Selected Poems 1930-1988

Beckett, Samuel
A selection of poems of Samuel Beckett, from "Whoroscope" (1930) to 'What is the Word' (1988).

Company / ill Seen Ill Said / worstward

Beckett, Samuel
Features four last prose fictions by Samuel Beckett that were originally published individually, and their composition spanned the final decade of his life. This edition also includes several short prose texts such as: "Heard in the Dark" I & II, "One Evening", "The Way", and, "Ceiling".

Honeysuckle, Honeyjuice: A Tribute to James Liddy

Begnal, Michael
James Liddy is considered one of Ireland's most original poetic voices. Since his career began in the early 1960s he has gone on to create a body of work unique in both contemporary Irish and American literature. This work pays tribute to this poet.

Behan Complete Plays

Behan, Brendan
This work brings together all the theatrical works of the groundbreaking Irish playwright Brendan Behan. As well as containing his famous full-length plays, such as "The Hostage", the book also showcases three intensely autobiographical one-act plays, originally written for radio.

The Methuen Drama Anthology of Irish Plays: Hostage; Bailegangaire; Belle of the Belfast City; Steward of Christendom; Cripple of Inishmaan

Behan, Brendan
A scintillating collection of five plays from the last sixty years of Irish drama featuring work by Behan, Barry, Reid, Murphy, and McDonagh, and introduced by Patrick Lonergan.

The Hostage

Behan, Brendan
An essential text in the development of modern British drama