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Fibromyalgia Healing Diet

Craggs-Hinton, Christine
Dietary advice, recipes and practical insights to help reduce inflammation, manage fatigue and ease pain.

All That We Never See - Our Journey with Autism

All That We Never See: Our Journey With Autism documents the arduous journey of Áine & Gerry Crosse whose family must navigate the unscripted world of Autism and Mitochondrial disease. It is their goal to shed light on a struggle rarely seen from the outside, to end the stigma that parents of autistic children often face, to answer questions to which there are so few answers, and to offer hope to the parents of Autistic children who find themselves with none.

Eat Right for Blood Type O: Maximise your health with individual food, drink and supplement lists for your blood type

D'Adamo, Peter J.
If your blood type is O, then you may enjoy your best health on a high protein, low carbohydrate diet, and make sure you get plenty of animal protein. This title provides you with listings of what's right for Type O in all of the main food, drink and supplement categories.

Queen Menopause: Finding your majesty in the mayhem

Daddo, Alison
A friendly, frank, compassionate and comprehensive companion for any woman experiencing menopause, or anyone wondering what to expect.

Living with Cancer: Hope amid the Uncertainty

D'Alton, Paul
Every three minutes in Ireland someone is diagnosed with cancer. Incidence of cancer is growing and by 2021, one in two of us will be diagnosed with cancer. Due to advances in screening and treatment there are now more than 170,000 people living with and beyond cancer today in Ireland. Almost half of people diagnosed with cancer in England and Wales survive their disease for ten years or more. It is widely recognised that cancer is not just a physical illness. It has significant emotional and psychological impact on the individual and the family of those diagnosed. There is a plethora of information available, sometimes described an 'information overload' by those affected by cancer, it can be difficult to know where to start and, crucially, what to trust.

Making Menopause Matter: The Essential Guide to What You Need to Know and Why

Danzebrink, Diane
What does menopause mean to you, and what will it take for us to be the generation that changes things forever? Let's Make Menopause Matter.

Body : Simple techniques and strategies to heal, reset and restore

Davies, James
Ultimate strategies to prevent pain and fuel your body to its fullest health potential. From tips on how to live pain free through to advice on adopting and maintaining a holistic approach to health, internationally recognised osteopath, performance coach and massage therapist James Davies teaches you how to revolutionise your body.

Super Gut: A Four-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome, Restore Health and Lose Weight

Davis, Dr Dr William
Reprogram your microbiome to restore health, lose weight and turn back the clock.

Gift Of Dyslexia

Davis, Ronald D.
In this exciting book, Davis shares the startling discovery he made which helped him overcome his own dyslexia; reveals how dyslexia may be linked to uncommonly high levels of intelligence, creativity, and imagination; and outlines a clear and simple plan that anyone can use to help themselves or others conquer this all-too-common disability.

Eat Yourself Fit

Davison, Rosanna
The No.1 best-selling author is back with over 100 recipes and tips to help you hit peak performance! Filled with nourishing recipes and practical advice to help you look and feel your very best.