Plucky fourteen-year-old Adunni is in Lagos, excited to finally enrol in school. Having escaped her rural village in a desperate bid to seek a better future, she's found refuge with Tia, a kind and brilliant woman on her own troubled journey of self-discovery. But it's not so simple to run away from your past.
The murder of Alaska Sanders was quickly solved. Within days, two suspects were identified. One died, the other pleaded guilty. Case closed. But, eleven years later, the death of another woman in a fast-food parking lot changes everything.
Booker-Prize winner Roddy Doyle's spectacular return to his iconic character, Paula Spencer, whom he originated in the groundbreaking The Woman Who Walked into Doors and its follow-up, Paula Spencer
Masterful #1 New York Times bestselling author Tami Hoag is back with a riveting, emotionally powerful new thriller! Small-town labels are hard to shake. Hometown hero. Fallen angel. Can anyone ever escape their past?
An extended meditation on human frailty and the lack of spirituality in the Western world . . . Houellebecq displays compassion and empathy, and a belief in the redemptive power of love