
New Irish Non-Fiction

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Ever Ancient Ever New: Celtic Spirituality in the 21st Century

Whelan, Dolores
2011 Publication. The Celtic spiritual and wisdom tradition is both ancient and new. It brings to light a new way for humankind to be in the world. Dolores believes that the deep truths held within the soul and psyche of our land are now ready to re-emerge. Her work endeavours to support this awakening, both within the land and the people. Crucially, this book is not nostalgic. It uniquely explores how this ancient wisdom can form the basis of a value system upon which a new society can be built. It challenges us to integrate this wisdom into all aspects of our daily lives, reflecting the beliefs of our ancestors that there is no real separation between the spiritual and secular worlds.

The Forgotten : The Men and Women from Castledermot and district who served in World War One.

Whelan, Gerard
The Forgotten is a deeply moving work by Gerard Whelan, capturing the lives of the men and women of the parish of Castledermot who fought and, in many cases, died in the Great War.

The Souluton Therapist: 7 Pathways to Self-Love

Whelan, Karen

Mickey Whelan 'Love of the Game' (Legends Series)

Whelan, Mickey
Mickey Whelan is one of Ireland’s greatest coaching masters. He is a father figure for all of those who sought sporting excellence in this country over the last 50 years.

Through the Pages of History: an art, music and medical miscellany

Was Mozart really buried in a pauper’s grave? What role did yellow fever play in the construction of the Panama Canal? How did the painter, Renoir cope with rheumatoid arthritis in his old age? While history has vilified King Herod, could it be that the verdict has been overly harsh? Just some questions (from among a very broad range of subject matter) that are looked at from historical and medical perspectives in Michael Whelton’s engaging collection of essays. Written in a lively style and a manner that will intrigue but also satisfy inquisitive minds, this is book that will appeal to the general reader as much as those with specialist knowledge. It is also a book that the reader will not find easy to put down, once started on a journey that trawls through medical annals, to probe popular misconceptions or shed new light on the personalities and events that have shaped history.

Commercial Law 3rd Edition

The definitive and leading work on defamation law in Ireland.

Irish Parliamentarians: Deputies and Senators 1918 – 2018

Irish Parliamentarians is a directory of the 1,870 men and women who have been deputies (TDs) or senators in the parliament of the Irish state since the first meeting of Dáil Éireann in January 1919. It profiles the founders of modern Irish democracy and their successors, with details of their families, education, and careers inside and outside politics. In these pages we find, for example, Constance Markievicz, Michael Collins, Éamon de Valera, W.T. Cosgrave, Seán Lemass, Jack Lynch, Liam Cosgrave, Charles J. Haughey, Garret FitzGerald and Mary Robinson, along with a host of major and minor figures who contributed to Irish life and the evolution of the modern Irish state.

Vegan-ish: A Gentle Introduction to a Plant-Based Diet

White, Holly
Holly White takes you on a mouth-watering journey through a plant-based diet. Vegan-ish includes over 100 of the delicious, everyday recipes she has created, as well as practical advice on when and how to change your diet, food swaps, eating out and shopping economically for plant-based foods.

Manchester United The First Half : Who, What, When, Where, Why?

White, John D.T.
Everything anyone ever wished to know about the greatest football team in world football is told in this remarkable miscellany from renowned Manchester United ‘author’ John D.T. White... a must for anyone who has loved the heroes in Old Trafford down through the history of time.

Corpsing: My Body and Other Horror Shows

White, Sophie
AN IRISH TIMES BESTSELLER Nora Ephron meets Bram Stoker in Sophie White's vivid and ambitious literary non-fiction collection. White asks uncomfortable questions about the lived reality of womanhood in the 21st century, and the fear that must be internalised in order to find your path through it.