Set in the UK and Ireland in the late 1970s and early 1980s, A harrowing story of horrific physical and mental abuse inflicted on the author at the hands of his parents
Stephen Bradley has spent a very hectic year and a half promoting his latest film, Noble. What he doesn't know, until now, is that during the same period he was also developing a Stage IV cancer that has now spread to vital organs.
How did Ronan go from a stereotypical country life to the world of theatre performance? Worlds Apart is his open and honest account of his own personal journey from a "normal" life to something very different.
The issue of water charges has divided the country. This book will appeal to both sides of the debate by giving an honest, lively and insightful account of the dramatic events before, during and after water charges. It will speak to the one million people who actullay paid their water charges, but also show the scale and intensity of the anti-water charges movement, which succeeded in getting 100,000 people out onto the street and in ultimately reversing the charges.
In May 1970, two government ministers were dismissed from Cabinet for allegedly purchasing guns for the IRA. The Taoiseach Jack Lynch disavowed any knowledge of the plot. Few believed him
Told through the letters of a young Irish officer, this is the story of Irish soldiers in the First World War and the capture of the Flemish village of Wijtschate on the Messines ridge, just south of Ypres in June 1917.
The Gifford sisters, Grace (later Plunkett), Muriel (later MacDonagh), Nellie (later Donnelly), and Sydney (later Czira) were key figures in the Republican struggle during the 1916 period. This is their story.