
New Irish Non-Fiction

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Wise Up: Power, Wisdom, and the Older Woman

Scully, Barbara
Barbara Scully launches her debut book with a frank look at the last half-century of women's place in society, told via her lived experience of womanhood in contemporary Ireland. The 60-year-old broadcaster pulls no punches as she blends uncomfortable truths with indispensable advice in this essential feminist publication.

Broken Love - My Journey Through Loss and Grief

Scully, Meghann
A poignant and honest book exploring loss and grief written by Millennial broadcaster, Meghann Scully from Ardrahan, Galway, Ireland. In her first book, wellness blogger, Meghann Scully, candidly discusses the deaths of her brother and father whilst she was a teenager and how she has tried to navigate her way through her loss and grief.

Two Cigarettes Coming Down The Boreen

Scully, Pauline Bermingham
Two Cigarettes Coming Down the Boreen collects oral histories from the people of Ardrahan and the surrounding areas of south Galway. These beautiful stories capture the simplicity and innocence of life in the first half of the twentieth century.

Sean Scully - Different Places

Scully, Sean
First published in 2015. Different Places features 76 images of Sean Scully's painting, sculpture and drawing. The publication is also prefaced with an introductory text by Kelly Grovier, poet and critic, and curator of Different Places.

The Ferguson Report: An Erasure

Sealey, Nicole
Nicole Sealey began making erasures from the US Department of Justice's 2015 report detailing bias policing and court practices in the city of Ferguson, Missouri, three years after the murder of Michael Brown by Ferguson police. She revisits that investigation in an act of erasure that reimagines the entire original text as it strips it away.

Ordinary Beast

Sealey, Nicole
A poet of existential magnitude, deep intellect and playful subversion, America's Nicole Sealey writes poems that are restless in their empathic, lucid awareness of what it means to be human. This is first UK edition of her first book-length collection is published at the same time as her new book, The Ferguson Report: An Erasure.



An Fear Glas : The Green Man

Searcaigh, Cathal O
One of the major poets of modern Ireland, Cathal O Searcaigh has made a huge contribution to the range and scope of Irish language literature over the past four decades. This volume, drawn from six ground-breaking collections published over the past fifteen years, testifies to his lyrical genius and his enduring importance at the very heart of what is happening in Gaelic literature today.

Na Saighneain

Searcaigh, Cathal O

An tAm Marfach ina Mairimid

Searcaigh, Cathal O

The Angelica Touch

Angelica, 14, has reached three conclusions. Firstly, her mother Molly, who manages a rundown hotel on the wild Drisogue peninsula in Donegal, is desperately lonely. (She's not.) Secondly, it’s entirely her fault that Molly is still single. (It might be.) Thirdly, since she can hardly have a boyfriend of her own if Number 2 is true, it’s up to her to find her mother a man. (It really isn't.) Given her dangerously impressive gift for matchmaking, Angelica’s solution is to develop a dating website for her mum. With the questions devised by Angelica and best friend, Grace, what could possibly go wrong?

Write That Script!: A Comprehensive Guide to Screenwriting

Ever thought you wanted to write a script but weren't sure where to start? Do you have a story in you that you know would be fantastic on the screen?