Biography originally published in 2020. This is the story of Michael Kelly, collector and curator of the die-cast model aircraft display in Shannon Airport’s Departure Lounge. From his native Limerick Michael networked and befriended some of the world’s most renowned model aircraft distributors and the collection has some of the rarest and most prized aircraft models in the world. The dream, which began when he was a boy, has come to be realised by mutual collaboration with the Airport Authority and is a “must see” for all who pass through Shannon Airport. This is the story of this remarkable man and the times he lived through.
2020 Publication. In this novel, Pat Mcloughlin has created vivid images of life in rural Ireland and the blight of emigration in the succeeding decades of the 20th Century from the 1920’s to the 1970’s.
For two weeks in April 1919 the people of Limerick, from all classes and ideologies, stood together against a military power and ran the affairs of their own city, even printing their own money. This momentous undertaking is known as The Limerick Soviet – a collective of lay-councillors who organized the population and received its backing and support. This anthology commemorates that event; it is part historical and part reflection in which we have endeavoured to create an artifact for current and future generations to understand those events that 100 years ago gave rise, however fleeting, to ‘a worker consciousness’ in Limerick.