The new edition of The Law of Defamation will provide practitioners and media professionals with the latest significant case law, along with a comprehensive but straightforward analysis of the developing law of libel in Ireland. All chapters have been revised and rewritten to incorporate recent developments.The new edition features the significant Irish cases of recent years, including:Lennon v HSE [2015] concerning the right to a juryChristie v TV3 [2015] on the effect of an offer of amendsLeech v Independent Newspapers [2014] on calculating upper level damagesO Brien v RT [2015] on injunctions and parliamentary privilegeMeegan v Times Newspapers [2015] on discovery of journalists notesPhilpott v Irish Examiner [2016] on court reporting privilegeWatson v MGN [2016] on delays and limitation periodsMcDonagh v Sunday Newspapers [2016] on appealing quantum of damagesIt also deals with the influential cases emanating from the European Court of Human Rights and from other jurisdictions, including:Delfi AS v Estonia [2015], the key ECHR ruling on internet commentsGoogle Spain v Costeja Gonzalez [2014] the European Court of Justice case on the right to be forgotten on the internetMcAlpine v Bercow [2013] on libel by emoji in a tweet