Maverick Maori cop Tito Ihaka, is a detective sergeant in the Auckland CID. Despite treading on numerous toes and breaking most of the rules in the book, Ihaka eventually gets his man - and sometimes his woman. OLD SCHOOL TIE is about the unlocking of a dark 25-year-old secret relating to a teenage girl s mysterious suicide at a private school ball. Freelance journalist Reggie Sparks investigation spills over into an underworld turf war involving the Sydney mafia and a ferocious Maori gang, the Blood Drinkers. INSIDE DOPE involves a race for the lost treasure of the Mr Asia drug syndicate which attracts the attention of a rogue American narcotics agent and the CIA, while GUERILLA SEASON pits Ihaka against a shadowy and sinister terrorist group in a case which turns out to have links to the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior.